2016 Session


During the 2016 state legislative session, which began on March 14 and concluded on June 6, Louisiana Right to Life  actively pushed legislation forward to protect both women and their unborn babies.

This session was a HUGE success, and we are very thankful to all of those who assisted our efforts- Governor Edwards, our bill authors, all the Representatives and Senators who expressed their support, and especially to all those citizens who took their time to call, email, write, and lobby their legislators in favor of our legislation! We couldn’t have done this without YOU!

Questions about legislation on this page? Contact our Legislative Director Deanna Wallace: deanna@prolifegala-com.prolifelouisiana.org

Louisiana Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Act

Women’s Enhanced Reflection Act

Board Certification Requirement for Abortion Providers

Compassionate Burial Options

Unborn Child Dignity Act

Baby Body Parts Profit Ban

Defunding Abortion Businesses Act

The Unborn Child Protection from Disability Discrimination Act (Jacob’s Law)

Other Life Affirming Legislation Passed this Session: