Summary of Deficiencies at Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge
Date of Report: 3/29/2019
READ FULL REPORT: Delta March 21, 2019 Department of Health
Document Length: 44 pages
Clinic: Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge
Address: 756 Colonial Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Review of Delta Clinic found the following deficiencies:
FAILURE TO MAINTAIN SUPPLY OF EMERGENCY MEDICATION AND EQUIPMENT: The Medical Director failed to ensure supply of emergency medications, including Midazolam and Adenosine, and medical equipment needed to stabilize patients or treat surgical complications.
- Three patients were interviewed and the failed practice impacted two of three, with one resulting in serious complications (Immediate Jeopardy Situation).
- A survey on 3/28/29 revealed the facility didn’t have the sedative Midazolam available on their STAT KIT (crash cart) (Page 4).
- An interview on 3/29/2019 revealed two vials of Adenosine, a medication to treat irregular heartbeat, was expired and present on the crash card (Page 4).
- Delta failed to provide patients with the telephone number of the hospital nearest to the home (Page 2).
DEFICIENCIES LEAD TO IMMEDIATE JEOPARDY SITUATION: Immediate Jeopardy Situation occurred on 3/15/2019 (Page 6).
- Patient had history of five Cesearean Sections and one miscarriage. The clinic was required to stop performing abortions until 3/18 because of incident.
- On 3/15, patient experienced excessive bleeding, low blood pressure of 78/56 and began speaking incoherently after an incomplete abortion. The patient was sent to a hospital where she received four blood transfusions over three days and needed a complete hysterectomy. Delta did not follow intra-operative procedures by failing to have IV fluids available and no system in place to replace/restock.
- When questioned, the physician, nursing staff and administration said that they did not have the equipment necessary for intervention during hemorrhage secondary to uterine atony (when the uterus fails to contract after the delivery of the baby) or due to retained fetal tissue (Page 3).
- The Operative report cites persistent hemorrhage following D&C and status post D&C for retained products of conception, suspicion of placenta accrete. After medical intervention involving the use of a tamponade balloon, the bleeding continued leading to surgery.