Bob Winn, a young New Orleans attorney, was invited in 1970 to attend the second national gathering of pro-life leaders at Macalester College in Minnesota, where he learned about the brutality of abortion. With nine projector slides in tow, wrapped in ditto paper and held together by a rubber band, Bob returned home and, together with his wife, Maria, held a dinner party with friends. The evening ended with the founding of Louisiana and New Orleans Right to Life to tell
the truth about abortion and euthanasia. From there, chapters across Louisiana were formed to educate and activate Louisiana citizens.
Three years later, the U.S. Supreme Court did the unthinkable by legalizing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy nationwide through Roe vs. Wade.
From this first dinner party and through the dedication of countless volunteers, Louisiana Right to Life has led the way to Louisiana becoming one of the most pro-life states in America. For the last 50 years, we have given educational presentations, assisted pregnancy help centers, passed legislation, fostered adoption awareness, sponsored marches, prayed at abortion facilities, and much much more. In 2020 we will celebrate 50 years of lives being saved, women being helped, laws being passed, and hearts and minds being opened to the dignity of every human life.
Please join us as we look forward to a day when all lives are protected by law and welcomed with love in our nation!