Please join us for the first Cenla Proudly Pro-Life Dinner, to be held Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020, on the campus of Louisiana College in Pineville.
This event is an outgrowth of the Cenla Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast, held the past several years and sponsored by Louisiana Right Life. Funds raised at the dinner will be used to support the Louisiana Life March Cenla and other pro-life education and outreach efforts in the Central Louisiana region.
Dr. Haywood Robinson
The keynote speaker for the event is Dr. Haywood Robinson, a former abortionist and now a voice for the unborn. He and his wife, Noreen, share their testimony nationwide to expose the facts of the abortion industry.
Dr. Robinson received abortion training during his residency, when he also meet his future wife, Noreen. As their relationship progressed, “moonlighting” together in abortion clinics was commonplace. Money became a mutual motivator, especially since the pay was substantial, and it was quite evident how their abortion training could be profitable.
Shortly after marriage and completing their residency programs, Dr. Robinson and his wife came to the know Christ and were soon convicted by God’s word, which exposed the living lie they led as hired killers of preborn children. They stopped performing abortions and are now a voice for the Pro-life movement.
Dr. Robinson practices family medicine in College Station, Texas. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology, followed by a Medical Doctor degree at the University of California at Irvine, and finally a family practice residency at Martin Luther King – Charles R. Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Sponsorships for the dinner (which include a table of 8) are:
Lifesaver Sponsor: $2,500
Champion of Life Sponsor: $1,000
Defender of Life Sponsor: $750
Friend of Life Sponsor: $500
Individual tickets are also available for $60 each.
Please register below, or you may download a paper registration form here mail in with a check.