As the oldest and largest pro-life organization in Louisiana, Louisiana Right to Life strives daily to light the way to a completely pro-life Louisiana. Thanks to your support and our work, Louisiana is the #1 pro-life state in America! Click to watch our short promotional video to learn more about Louisiana Right to Life! As of June of 2022, nearly 10,000 babies have been protected from abortion in Louisiana thanks to your support!
You can give on this page (scroll down) for #GivingTuesday, or you can give in our #IGiveCatholic New Orleans campaign directly!
Since 1970, through your generosity, Louisiana Right to Life has led the way to Louisiana becoming abortion-free! Our shared mission of restoring the right to life through education, legislation, activism, and service has left a legacy for generations to come.
Just look at a few of the successes we have accomplished together:
- Passing 65 pro-life laws in Baton Rouge since 2006, including the Human Life Protection Act this past legislative session that guaranteed the protection of life!
- Inspiring the national film LIFEMARK through our adoption documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue!
- Educating over 77,500 young people since 2008 through talks and outreach!
- Advancing the beauty of adoption , including through leading the passage of the 2023 Louisiana Adoption Tax Credit Act!
- Inspiring hearts and saving lives through our advertising campaings, including many billboards across Louisiana.
But our mission is not done. Our efforts in a Post-Roe Louisiana must continue here. We just saw in Ohio enshrine abortion into their state constitution, with over 80% of young adults voting for abortion up to birth. While we are thankful for our many victories here, here are our 2024 priorities:
- Keep Louisiana Pro-Life: We must work to stop legislation at the State Capitol that legalizes all or some abortions, to combat misinformation regarding pro-life laws, to educate about the beauty of life, and to empower young people to be pro-life!
- Help Women Considering Abortion: No mother should feel the need to travel out of state to have an abortion. Our FindHelpLa.com website is a hub for support for moms, and our Advertise for Life campaign utilizes digital strategies to reach mothers searching for abortion.
- Promote the Adoption Option: Through our Option Hope Initiative in public high schools and advertising campaigns, we aim to open the hearts of potential birth mothers and fathers to the choice of adoption.
You can help us today! Here are the options of how you can directly support us!
- $20.69 – Reach 1,000 People on Social Media
- $42.65 – Give our tank 1/2 of gas for our Pro-Life college exhibit
- $102.90 – Sponsor 30 ads reaching women considering abortion
- $248.50 – Sponsors 1 presentation on a high school or college campus
- $517.25 – Reach 25,000 people on social media
- $1,000 – Sponsor a day of our legislative advocacy
- $2,500 – Sponsor a pro-life billboard for a month
- Choose your own donation amount!
Thank you for your generosity! We look forward to our continued partnership in strengthening our pro-life culture in our Post-Roe Louisiana!